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What is chiropractic?

Chiropractic is based on the scientific fact that your body is a self-regulating, self-healing organism. The body’s functions are controlled by the brain through the spinal cord and all the nerves of the body. If the nervous system is impaired, it can cause malfunction of the tissues and organs throughout the body and this is known as a subluxation. Chiropractic is the science and art of locating interference to the nervous system (subluxations) and removing them so the body can function optimally, giving the body a much greater chance for health restoration.

How do you become misaligned or subluxated?

Stress. Spinal misalignment can be due to mechanical, physical or emotional stress. Stress can range from a macro-trauma like an accident or injury to micro-trauma such as slouching at the computer every day. The toxins that we consume in our foods cause our bodies stress. Emotional stress is large contributing factor in most of our lives, such as work, family or financial worries.Examples of injuries are:

  1. A difficult or traumatic birth
  2. A fall as a child *
  3. Falling off a bicycle
  4. Bumping your head getting in or out of your vehicle
  5. Car accidents
  6. Twisting or popping your neck
  7. Roller coaster riding
  8. Death of a friend/family member
  9. High school sports
  10. And many, many more

* (Researchers have found the avg. child falls 30-40 times per day)

How do I know if my spine has a subluxation?

You can have subluxations and not even know it. Like the early stages of tooth decay or cancer, subluxations can be present before warning signs appear. Body imbalance is determined by leg length disparity, postural measurements, computerized SEMG analysis and muscle challenges.

Can you have a subluxation without experiencing pain?

Yes. Subluxation is known as a silent killer. It may be present for decades before pain or symptoms show up. Two of our countries biggest killers may also be present for years before they are symptomatic. Many people are walking around with heart disease and cancer without any pain or symptoms.

Can body imbalance clear up on its own?

That’s a tricky question. The answer is yes and no. Fortunately, our bodies have the ability to self-correct many problems, however self correction requires that the nervous system to be completely free of interference. Subluxations and muscle imbalances inhibit the body from functioning in a self correcting manner; instead the body will adapt compensation patterns, thus causing further dysfunction. SSPI works diligently with you to keep your body functioning at its optimum by clearing subluxations and nerve imbalances, which will allow your body to heal itself.

Are your methods safe?

Yes. A New Zealand government study found that adjustments are “remarkably safe.” By avoiding drugs and risky surgery, chiropractic care enjoys an excellent track record. A thorough exam can identify the rare person for whom chiropractic care might be unsuited. The adjustment is extremely safe, gentle and effective.

Is chiropractic painful?

Most people actually enjoy being adjusted because they think it feels good. The body is provided a release from the tension and muscles begin to relax.

How long until I feel a difference?

Some people feel a difference immediately after their first adjustment, yet others it may take several weeks. The changes felt are as varied as the time it takes to feel them. Some changes may include reduced muscle tension, feeling more balanced or sure footed, fewer headaches, improved concentration, and easier to breathe, among many others.

Does chiropractic help more than just my back and neck?

Yes! Chiropractic adjustments remove the interference upon the nervous system, which controls every living cell in the body; muscles, skin, organs, blood, etc. Every cell is positively impacted when the nervous system is running at its optimum.

How many adjustments will I need?

The number of adjustments needed varies from person to person. This variance is caused by several factors, these include:

  1. Patient compliance (following the doctors recommendations)
  2. Type and severity of the condition(s)
  3. Exercise habits
  4. Emotional and physical stress
  5. The shape of your spinal bones

Some patients never lose the initial correction, while others may need weekly adjustments.

How long will I need chiropractic care?

The same amount of time that you will need to eat healthy, exercise, go to the dentist, and other healthy lifestyle choices. Our job is to offer you the very best care and we stand ready to help all patients, regardless of their health goals. How long you decide to benefit from chiropractic care is always up to you.

Do I need x-rays?

The Doctor may order certain x-ray views to determine the cause of your condition and to recommend your future care. Our policy is to take only what is absolutely necessary to evaluate your current condition.

Can I be adjusted after back surgery?

Yes. Rest assured that your chiropractic doctor is specifically trained to deliver a completely safe and gentle spinal correction. Our doctors will also communicate with other health professionals if there are any possible contraindications with your case.

Can I adjust myself?

No. Some people can their joints "pop," but that's not an adjustment!  Worse damage can occur by mobilizing a joint with weakened muscles and ligaments.  Adjustments are specific and take years to master. Even your chiropractic doctor must consult a colleague to benefit from chiropractic care.

What are the education levels of the SSPI doctors?

Today’s doctor of chiropractic is well educated.

Chiropractic Compared To Medical Education:

Classroom Hours Chiropractic Medical
Anatomy 540 508
Physiology 420 326
Pathology 205 401
Chemistry 300 325
Microbiology 130 114
Diagnosis 420 324
Neurology 320 112
X-Ray 360 148
Psychiatry 65 144
Obstetrics 65 198
Orthopedics 225 156
Total Hours 3,050 2,756

*Each discipline has additional required subjects not comparable in this study. The above class hours were compiled following a review of 22 medical schools and 11 chiropractic colleges, and updated from the National Health Federation Bulletin. Source: Coulter, Ian. “A Comparative Study of Chiropractic and Medical Education.” Alternative Therapies (September 1998), Vol. 4, No. 5 Parker Foundation, “How Well Educated is Your Chiropractor?”

To practice chiropractic, graduates must pass demanding National Board Examinations. A chiropractic education never ends. Most doctors complete postgraduate instruction for license renewal and to stay current on the latest scientific research. Our doctor has also earned her Master’s Degrees in sports health, in addition to nationally recognized sport performance certifications.

Will insurance cover my chiropractic services?

We accept insurance, and for those without insurance we have affordable cash plans. We recommend that you don't base you decision to get care or not on an insurance companys' coverage. Your quality of life is your responsibility, not that of an insurance company.

What if my policy doesn’t cover your services or I don’t have insurance?

SSPI offers very competitive cash plans for patients without insurance coverage. Your health affects everything you do and everyone you know. It is your most valuable possession. Yet, each of us is free to place a different value on our health. It’s convenient when an insurance company or third party pay’s the bill. But be careful! Don’t allow the profit motive of huge corporations to make the decision about your quality of life for you. It is you that needs to live with your body the rest of your life, not the insurance company.

What if SSPI’s methods don’t help me?

If we do not see indications that our methods are benefiting you, we will gladly refer you to somebody who can help you. We view your care as a partnership in health, and we want to help find what works for your body.

Do you take care of children?

Yes! We take care of many children with a variety of conditions. In children, we have seen results with the following: ADHD, colic, ear infections, seizures, learning disabilities, autism, difficulty sleeping, neck and back pain, and postural distortion just to name a few. Anyone of any age can be a candidate for our services if their spine is out of alignment.

Why do newborns get adjustments?

Even today's "natural" childbirth methods can affect an infant's spine. Preliminary studies suggested that colic, unusual crying, poor apetite, ear infections or erratic sleeping habits can be signs of spinal distress. Pediatric adjustments are gentle. Knowing exactly where to adjust, the doctor applies no more pressure than you'd use to test the ripeness of a tomato.

Will adjustments hurt my baby?

A child's chiropractic adjustment is gentle, comfortable, and effective. This is a common concern among parents who mistakenly think that their child will receive adjustments like the ones they receive. Adjusting techniques are modified for each person's size and unique spinal problem, and an infant's spine rarely has the long-standing muscle tightness seen in adults. Our kiddos love getting adjusted!

What can Sport and Spine Performance Institute do to help my performance as an athlete?

Sport performance is dependent on an optimally functioning kinetic chain. The kinetic chain is made up of the nervous, muscular, and bone systems/components of the human frame. When deficiencies arise in the kinetic chain an individual's performance pays the price or injury patterns may occur. Ultimately, athletes aren't able to perform at their personal best or may not be aware that their performance can improve.Sport and Spine Performance Institute uses the most up-to-date, scientific research and methods to assess the individual's kinetic chain. By using these assessment methods along with our unique chiropractic methods, that evaluates functional neurology, we are able to correct faulty biomechanical adaptations where others may have not succeeded.

Do you use massage therapy? Is it appropriate to tip the therapist?

Yes, we use massage therapy as a modality to further assist the body to heal and stay well. In our office, the doctors work very closely with the massage therapists to insure the soft tissues are working with the adjustments. This helps restore the natural balance of health more quickly. Massage sessions in our office are therapeutic, and therefore it is not appropriate to tip.