HEALING... The Body Heals Itself, From Within...It's a Law |
Heal (v.) 1. Make whole or sound; restore to health; 2. To repair
Infection One way in which illness develops is by the body being susceptible to infection. Germs (bacteria and viruses) prefer to take advantage of malfunctioning (diseased) body tissues. You are most likely to become sick with infection when your body's resistance is down. Just like a garbage dump or cluttered home attracts and breeds rats, a susceptible body is a great place for disease to flourish.
Loss of Function The most common way to lose health is due to direct loss of function to an organ or tissue. Fucntional ailments would include asthma, ulcers, colitis, back pain, arthritis, high blood pressure, sinusitis, allergies, skin conditions, carpal tunnel syndrome, headaches, diabetes, cancer, etc. These conditions are all due to a particular organ or organs not functioning properly.
Chiropractors do not treat symptoms or disease. Rather, the Chiropractic method of care is the restoration of normal bodily function. They do this by removing interference to the nervous system, the master controller of every function. The body can then heal and maintain itself. Many conditions are considered hopeless and incurable by some physicians, but often respond favorably to treatment aimed at restoring normal function.
Only when the body does not function normally, does resistance go down. Chiropractic allows the body to get back to its highest state of resistance so that it can better repel or fight infection without the dangerous side effects of antibiotics.
Get Well - Stay Well...
Pero Research Ronal Pero, Ph.D., at New York University, compared the strength of the immune systems of people with and without cancer. Those without cancer had a 20% stronger immune system than those with cancer. He then conducted the same study with people that had been under regular chiropractic care for five years or longer. What Dr. Pero discovered was that chiropractic patients had a 400% stronger immune system than those with cancer and a 200% stronger immune system than the non-cancer group. (Editor's Note: People under chiropractic care also tend to have better nutrition, perform proper exercise, and most importantly, take less medication. This may also have played a significant role in increasing immunity.)