
The Body Heals Itself, From Within...It's a Law

Heal (v.) 1. Make whole or sound; restore to health; 2. To repair

Infection One way in which illness develops is by the body being susceptible to infection. Germs (bacteria and viruses) prefer to take advantage of malfunctioning (diseased) body tissues. You are most likely to become sick with infection when your body's resistance is down. Just like a garbage dump or cluttered home attracts and breeds rats, a susceptible body is a great place for disease to flourish.

Loss of Function The most common way to lose health is due to direct loss of function to an organ or tissue. Fucntional ailments would include asthma, ulcers, colitis, back pain, arthritis, high blood pressure, sinusitis, allergies, skin conditions, carpal tunnel syndrome, headaches, diabetes, cancer, etc. These conditions are all due to a particular organ or organs not functioning properly.

Chiropractors do not treat symptoms or disease. Rather, the Chiropractic method of care is the restoration of normal bodily function. They do this by removing interference to the nervous system, the master controller of every function. The body can then heal and maintain itself. Many conditions are considered hopeless and incurable by some physicians, but often respond favorably to treatment aimed at restoring normal function.

Only when the body does not function normally, does resistance go down. Chiropractic allows the body to get back to its highest state of resistance so that it can better repel or fight infection without the dangerous side effects of antibiotics.
Get Well - Stay Well...

Pero Research Ronal Pero, Ph.D., at New York University, compared the strength of the immune systems of people with and without cancer. Those without cancer had a 20% stronger immune system than those with cancer. He then conducted the same study with people that had been under regular chiropractic care for five years or longer. What Dr. Pero discovered was that chiropractic patients had a 400% stronger immune system than those with cancer and a 200% stronger immune system than the non-cancer group. (Editor's Note: People under chiropractic care also tend to have better nutrition, perform proper exercise, and most importantly, take less medication. This may also have played a significant role in increasing immunity.)

What Is A Subluxation?

1. A misaligned spinal bone (vertebrae) which compresses the brainstem, spinal cord, and/or nerves.
2. Causes malfunction of the body's organs, muscles, and tissues due to the interference they create in the nerve system. Poor function eventually causes pain, illness, and disease.

SUBLUXATIONS are caused by any physical, mental, or chemical stress the body cannot adapt to. They cause a lowered resistance to illness, infection, and disease.

When a spinal bone misaligns it puts pressure on the spinal cord and nerves. This causes the areas of the body supplied by those nerves to malfunction.

...headaches/migraines, sinusitis, pain/stiffness, male/female disorders, irritability, constipation, fatigue, sexual dysfunction, heart problems, asthma, allergies, sleeping disorders, indigestion, or any symptom... are all warning signals that something in the body is malfunctioning and needs attention.

The purpose of Chiropractic is to find the CAUSE of the malfunction (subluxation) and CORRECT it so your body may begin to function normally once again and to heal itself. Removing subluxation removes nerve interference, thus restoring health.

What Is Health?

"Look to the spine for the cause of disease." ~Hipocrates, the father of Modern Medicine

Disease can be forseen years in advance and prevented...HERE'S HOW!

We spend an estimated 1 trillion dollars per year on heath care. We have more doctors, more hopspitals, and take more drugs than any other nation, yet the World Health Organization (WHO) ranks us among the sickest. Each year we are less healthy than the one before and the major illnesses continue to threaten higher and higher percentages of our population. At the present rate, half of our population will suffer from chronic disease within five years!

Doctors have inside information on why health manages to escape us, and is in fact getting worse. The problem is that we do not understand what healthy really is or how to achieve it.

The inside secret you've never heard from your doctor is that the one and only true definition of health is "normal function." When you are functioning at 100% you are healthy. The most costly mistake you can make is to think health is merely being free from symptoms. Sickness and disease are not an event, they are a process. This is why the first symptom of heart disease is often a fatal heart attack; the problem had actually been developing for years...SILENTLY.

Symptoms and illness are the end result of the body functioning improperly for years. Cancer, heart disease, neck and back pain, headaches, ulcers, arthritis, male and female conditions, etc., develop for a long time before symptoms arrive. And by then, it is often too late. Symptoms show up at the end of the problem, not the beginning. To think that if you have no symptoms then you have no problems is one of the most dangerous errors in judgement you could ever make concerning your health. This type of thinking will eventually result in a shorter life.

Health can only be achieved and maintained when we switch our emphasis away from simply removing symptoms and toward creating optimum function. Because the spinal cord and nerve system control all function, optimum health cannot be achieved until we have an optimum healthy spine.

"Any part of the spine can become diseased and thereby become the curative factors for disease. We medical doctors who have studied and used Chiropractic techniques have proven its undisputible value." ~Friemut Biederman, M.D., Hamm, Germany

What Doctors Really Know About Your Health…But Never Told You!

"Your body is the best pharmacy in the world. It makes tranquilizers, sleeping pills, anti-inflammatories, anti-cancer drugs, and millions more. All at the right time, the right dose, for the right organ, with no side effects, and all of the instructions come with the package. Science can never replicate the symphony of the human body. We are more than one chemical, given at a certain time, to create a certain effect, in a certain organ. If you do one thing to the body, simultaneously a million other things happen. Thousands of people die each year from adverse reactions to drugs and surgery."
-Deepok Chopra, M.D.

  • The goal of Chiropractic is to get the body working as it should so that it may heal and function normally on its own.
  • The goal of medicine is to alleviate pain or symptoms through drugs, therapy, or surgery. The medical method is not designed to restore normal function, but rather to cover up the pain or stop symptoms with drugs and therapy or to eliminate the ailing part altogether with surgery. Drugs and other therapies are designed to relieve symptoms, they do not speed up nor cause the healing process; they actually interfere with or stop healing.

"Drugs never cure the disease, they merely hush the voice of nature's protest and pull down the danger signals (symptoms) she erects allowing the patient to continue down the pathway of transgression. Any poison taken into the system has to be reckoned with later on. Pain may disappear, but the patient is left in a worse condition, though unconscious of it at the time."
-Daniel H. Kress, M.D.

It takes time to truly repair and recover from any illness, condition, or injury. Research has shown that it takes a minimum of 12 months and may actually take many years to heal completely, especially when the problem is a result of years of dysfunction.

However, when you spend the time to actually let your body get well, the reward is a level of health, energy, and vitality that you've never experienced in your life and never thought possible. You are simply working at your best.

The Chiropractic method is in harmony with nature, not opposed, as is medicine. Rather than search the world for cures, Chiropractors realize the remedy is already within the person ailing.

Adjustment (n.):
A force put into the spine by a chiropractor, which removes interference to the nervous system, thus allowing the human body to begin functioning at its best again.

Phases of Care

Phase 1: Relief Care

If you are in pain when you come into our chiropractic office, our first objective is to help you reduce pain and start feeling better as soon as possible. Depending on the severity of the underlying condition which is causing your pain, it is typical for a patient to need chiropractic care or adjustments two to three times per week for four to twelve weeks.

Phase 2: Corrective/Restorative Care

During the Corrective Phase of chiropractic care, muscles and other tissues are allowed to heal more completely, which helps prevent further injury or pain. The goal of corrective or restorative chiropractic care is to help bring your body back to 100% functioning. It is typical to need chiropractic care or adjustments about four to eight times per month for six to twenty-four months, depending on your overall health and the severity of your problem.

Phase 3: Wellness Care

Once your body has fully healed and you are no longer experiencing back pain or other pain symptoms, it is important to come in for periodic chiropractic adjustments to avoid further problems in the future. Usually, this phase of chiropractic care only requires a visit to the Chiropractor one to four times per month, based on your lifestyle and goals.